
The Lutheran Confessions: History and Theology of the Book of Concord is unavailable, but you can change that!

From their formulation in the sixteenth century through the present day, every generation of Lutheran leadership has grappled with the centrality and importance of the Lutheran confessional writings. In this important new volume, Arand, Kolb, and Nestingen bring the fruit of an entire generation of scholarship to bear on these documents, making it an essential and up-to-date class text. The...

Once taken for granted in a world that was largely Christian, the so-called ecumenical Creeds—the Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian—today find themselves pushed increasingly into the foreground of a postmodern world for at least two reasons. First, they have become increasingly important because of the need to define the boundaries of historical Christianity in the face of numerous attempts to redefine Christianity in the light
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